So you want to get to know me? Why oh why I am escaping my comfort zone eh? The answer is really simple …. why not!
My life to date has been wonderful and amazing, but something deep inside me was needing a different kind of wild adventure. I was a working housewife for 20+ years, raising 2 adorable kidlets and worked in some fun challenging jobs. I worked hard, enjoying the classic 2 children, 2 dogs & cat, large homestead and toys. My working life, I have to admit is a dream. Some call me a Manager of BC Provincial Parks, others call me the luckiest gal in town having the coolest office in the world! Some changes were brewing in the wind the last 3 years though, causing me a major identity crisis … my husband of 20 years is now my ex-husband, my 2 kidlets spread their grown wings and flew the coop, sold the beloved homestead and my dogs have passed over the rainbow bridge!
Now what is a girl to do? My whole identity (Comfort Zone) needs a shake up …. not a stir, not a swirl, but a major shake!
First shake …. quit my job! Sounds easy enough I thought to myself, so I sauntered into my bosses office to break the news I was quitting …. Easy right, but why did I feel like I was going to hurl my lunch? With lunch still intact, I managed to squeeze out some excuse to my boss about finding myself/needing adventure/changing my comfort zone/I quit. His response; he didn’t understand what I was trying to tell him! I quit. He wouldn’t let me. I tried again, no go! He told me in no uncertain terms ” Velvet, go find yourself or whatever you are searching for, then, when you’re done, your job will be waiting for you.” Boss of the year you ask? You bet! Now why was I leaving the Best Job with the Best Company, my head was spinning but I knew this was my first step in escaping My Comfort Zone!
I am tying up some loose ends… then jumping the border south, then another border jump and another … Central America and if I survive that leg … onwards to South America!
“I don’t know where I’m going but, I’m on my way” ~ Carl Sagan~